Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In Search Of The Best Beach In Puerto Rico

After Carolyn flew home - she being saddled with the burden of having a real job - I stayed on for a week in Puerto Rico, ostensibly to go on a personal mission to find the best beach but really just to avoid the snow back home for another 7 days. I also was laying the foundation for a possible return to Puerto Rico in the future. Hey, it's a tough job but someone has to do it!

I found a place to stay on Craig's List. It was cheap and it was a dump. But it was at least clean, kept the rain out and there were no critters running around. Besides, I wasn't there to spend time in the room. I was there to explore the island and that's exactly what I did. I managed to add about 600 miles to the odometer of my rental car doing it.

My weather was in and out that week. But it was 50 degrees warmer than back home even when it was raining, so I couldn't complain. I saw most of the island, although there are still plenty of things left to see if we go back. One thing I saw too much of was traffic. Getting around the island is a nightmare. Don't do it if you don't have to.

My quest is told in more detail at this link: The Best Beach In Puerto Rico

1 comment:

kate said...

Oh Pop-eee, where aaaaaaare yooooouuu?

Curious to hear some kind of update! Doesn't need to be a tome. How was your first weekend abroad??
