Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Days Grow Short.....

Well, it looks like this is really going to happen. I have printed my e-ticket. I have my passport and a spare set of glasses. My prescriptions are all freshly filled. Lessee: bladder, arthritis, Alzheimer's, bi-polar disorder, blood pressure, ingrown toenail and anti-fungal medications are all in order. Distemper, polio, tentanus and gamma globule vaccines are all current. Guess I'm ready to go!

I'm just beginning to realize how absolutely incredible the internet is. I will be able to read my e-mail, check my bank account and upload pictures from Australia to websites here in the US. How is that possible? It makes me want to give Al Gore a big, wet kiss for inventing the internet. What did we do without it?

There are a zillion little details to take care of before I go, but I am whittling down the list a little every day. I am taking one carry-on bag and my laptop. Matt informs me they have stores in Sydney, where I will be able to purchase anything that I forget to bring. Amazing!

Once I get there, there is no agenda, no schedule. We are going to search out an Aussie pub that broadcasts the first Formula One race from Melbourne. Originally, I thought I wanted to see it live, but the cost of accommodations on a race weekend changed my mind about that idea pretty quickly. And honestly? You see a lot more to the action on the tube than you do sitting in a grandstand. I think being parked in a pub with a bunch of rowdy Australians will be quite an adventure!

Other than that, we'll take it as it comes. I intend to do some touring while the family does their bit for the Australian economy during the work week. Where I go and when? Dunno right now. But I'm quite sure I can find plenty to do on the internet!!!!

Lift off in just under 4 days, 23 hours. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Jay said...

Tie me kangaroo down, Mate!

Make sure you try out some of those high performance Falcons while there!!
