Saturday, March 28, 2009

To Market, To Market.

Today, Saturday, we all drove out to Farmington, about 12 miles west of the city, where the farmer's market is held inside a large building that obviously used to be a "big box" store, like a WalMart or a Costco.

Acres of fresh food literally as far as the eye can see, and proprietors hawking their wares like auctioneers at a southern tobacco auction. Anything and everything you can think of is on offer and at pretty reasonable prices. Keep in mind that all the signs you see are for a kilo, which is 2.2 pounds. So translating into our terms, if something is $10 a kilo here, that is equivalent to $4 a pound back home.

The shoppers are offered samples of anything they may fancy. And they feel free to inspect every purchase for smell, texture, color, firmness and porosity before buying.

Merchants sometimes stand on their tables and shout out their wares. Dollar! Dollar! Dollar! Two dollar, box. Four dollar bunch! The noise is constant and oddly appealing. There is a blend of languages going on all around: Asain, Turkish, Greek, Arabic, Italian. Even a smattering of English now and again!

On the way out, a couple in front of us had a box of oranges fall off their cart and spill all over the parking lot. Instantly, 7 people stopped what they were doing to help round them up and put them back in the box. Back home, people would gladly run over them with their SUV and think nothing of it.
Australia is a very pleasant place to be.
Check out the pictures from the farmer's market this link:  Market

1 comment:

Jay said...

Your son looks just like you, only he hasn't gotten old (yet).

That market looks great...I could almost taste the different produce and nuts...

I hear it's supposed to be snowing in R.I. on the day of your return....