Monday, March 23, 2009

Behold! Vegemite!!

Back in the 70's, America was treated to a song called "Do You Come From A Land Down Under?". In it one chorus goes like this:
"I said 'Do your speak my language'?"
He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich."
Of course, no one in America has a CLUE what vegemite is, but its the national dietary supplement of Australia. The label says it is "concentrated yeast extract". Well, beer has yeast and I like beer, so.....
Yesterday, Matt made me toast with some vegemite spread on it. It was spread thinly. One doesn't ladle it on they way we do with peanut butter and jelly. A little dab'll do ya, and then some!
Its dark brown in color and the taste? Somewhere between anchovies and kippered herring.
Matt tells me that it gives a person extra energy. Yesterday, we toured the Harbor, drank some beers, walked some beaches, ate dinner and watched a movie. All without my regular afternoon nap! Wow. There must be something to this vegemite stuff.
Suffice to say, I awoke to find two slices of buttered toast awaiting me. I have another busy day planned. "Please, sir. Can I have some more vegemite?" I said!
Hey, I'm nobody's fool.(:~>)

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Ah! Your next entrenpeneurial phase is upon us: vegemite in every American kitchen cabinet!