Saturday, March 21, 2009

Go, Waratah's!

Went to my first ever rugby match at Sydney's Olympic Stadium for a match between the Sydney Waratah's (known locally as just "The Tah's" and the New Zealand Crusaders. As a complete neophyte when it comes to rugby, I even understood a little of it and actually cheered once or twice at the right time! Although the crowd was equivalent to a sellout at Fenway, the stadium was only about 40% full. Probably seats about 100,000 or so when full.
The Aussies are quite well mannered. After the match, the stadium empty out quickly and efficiently. We took the train back into the city and were home about a half hour later.
This morning features a bright blue sky with nary a cloud between hear and Macao. Will probably take a stroll through the Botanical Gardens later today and will share some pictures of that with you soon.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Wanna learn more about rugby in Australia? Go to
for everything current about the spectacle that seems to be the Australian national sport.