Friday, March 27, 2009

On The Rocks

Friday was spent exporing The Rocks, an area that was the first settlement in Sydney. I have included most of my commentary in the associated webpage, so I won't repeat it here. Sydney has a rich multi-national tradition. We in the US like to talk about our melting pot, but here, people from all over Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Russia, Europe and the UK all mesh together.

Last night, we went to a Brazilian restaurant called A Taste of Brazil. Quite an experience. It essentially amounts to several hours of attendants bringing large skewers of roasted meat to the table and cutting off slices for all. Pork, lamb, roast beef, ribs, sausages, chicken and several other things I couldn't identify. But its not ALL meat. There was a small bowl of rice on the table for the four of us to share (Janice's brother came along) and some small bowls of Brazilian potato salad with a somewhat spicy dressing. In other words, the fare was 97% meat. Not a good place for vegetarians. I had better take TWO cholesterol pills today!
See today's pictures at this link: The Rocks

Tonight, its off to Beethoven at the Opera House. Now THAT should be an experience.

See y'all online!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

The pictures of the Rocks are wonderful in that the entire area seems so welcoming for a traveler from abroad. But it is the diaries that really tell the story. We in the U.S. like to describe ourselves as part of a legacy of journey toward a better life, but --- with the exception of the treatment of the aboriginal peoples --- the immigrants to Australia seem to have captured the essence of 'being.'