Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Walk In The Park

Today, it was time for the Royal Botanical Gardens, a vast reserve of greenery just steps from the central business district that is a square mile or more in area and packed with lush vegetation and many shady places to sit and let the world roll by. I saw one gal taking a nap up in the mighty arms of a giant water gum tree.

The Gardens abut the Opera House, which abuts Circular Quai, which is where the ferry piers are located. Since I have my all inclusive transport pass, I elected to let the ferry folks take me across the harbor to North Sydney to see some of the sights, and then bring me home to Darling Harbor.
Doing so, I discovered the Australia Welcome Wall, with the names of many of the immigrants, settlers and convicts who came to this land between the 1800's and today. Many of their comments have been preserved in bronze tablets. I took photographs of some of them. Quite a moving spot, all in all.
On the way back, I was stopped by two older gals looking for directions! They said they were from "the countryside", meaning somewhere outside of Sydney. When I said that I was from Boston (close enough) they were perplexed for a moment, until they realized I meant THAT Boston!!!
Another positively gorgeous day here in Sydney. There were some lightning and thunder last evening, followed by about ten drops of rain. But this morning, the skies are clear and blue once again. I think I could like it here!
For today's pix, please follow this link:  Gardens

1 comment:

Jay said...

I feel like I'm there with you! Excellent photography and narration!

So, is the wife going to sell the house in R.I. and join you there?