Saturday, April 4, 2009

Do You Know The Way To Double Bay?

Here's a collection of photos from various points around Sydney over the past two days. I have made it my mission to ride every ferry route on Sydney Harbor, and part of that included the ferry to the eastern suburbs called Double Bay and Rose Bay on Thursday. But that trip was preceeded by an excursion through Hyde Park and another part of The Botanical Gardens on the way to the ferry terminal.

The next day, Friday, we all went for lunch in North Sydney at a Chinese restaurant where they wheel the food by your table on carts and you simply select what interests you. It was a great meal and a most entertaining way to while away an hour or two. On the way home, we opted to take the one remaining ferry adventure and saw some of the upper harbor, which extends as much as 15 miles inland.

I'm getting so I rather like this city life. So much to do and to see. And of course I have to make sure to capture all of it to share with you. Hope you have enjoyed the trip. Its rapidly drawing to a close, sadly. Tomorrow, Sunday, we are off on an all day junket to The Blue Mountains west of Sydney. Don't know what we will find there but you can be sure I will record it all for your amusement and edification.

See you then.

Check out the Thursday and Friday pictures at this link:  Double Bay and Rose Bay

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