Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fresh Fish!

For those of us who live in the US and are pretty much used to having all our food portioned, packaged and pre-chewed, its a bit of a shock to go to the grocery market like we did last week or to the fish market here in Sydney, where most of the fish is offered up fresh and whole. I wouldn't now how to clean a fish if you threatened me, but if I lived here, I'd have to figure it out or starve.

A short course in fish nomenclature would probably be a good idea as well, as there are varieties available that I know nothing about. Anyone for a nice barramundi fillet, for instance? Keep in mind that the prices in the photos are in kilos, so with the exchange rate and the conversion to US dollars, our price per pound would be about 40% or less of what you see in the pictures.

In addition to buying your seafood, you can also dine at the Fish Market pier at any number of restaurants that offer entrees that are fresher than anything you can find at home, if you can find it at all.

Before we got to the fish market, we took a detour to Glebe for the weekly flea market. Part art festival, part buskers convention and part yard sale, it covers a city block with tent stalls offering everything from jewelry to pre-owned jeans. Like most communities here, it has a very busy main street, but things are quite calm and quiet just a few doors in from the main thoroughfare.

You can see pictures of today's adventure at this link:  Fish Market

Bon appetit!

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