Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Carolyn e-mailed me last week to ask if I had found the place I wanted to live in Sydney yet. Today, I found it! Its called Mosman and the adjacent Mosman Bay. Cute, clean, quaint, close to the city, lots of quiet, tree lined streets, an extensive main street with oodles of shoppes and the prices seem about 20% less than in Sydney proper. Some of the photos are of waterfront homes along the Bay, and I rather think they might be a bit dear for our projected budget. But just up the street and around the bend, there is an assortment of single family and duplex dwellings that are quite appealing. The fact that you can easily take a ferry or a bus into the city is also a drawing card, as parking in Sydney, as in most large cities, is a challenge.

The weather has changed since I talked to you last, which is why there was no update yesterday. It rained the day before and so, for the first time since I got here, no photos were taken. Yesterday was overcast and threatening more rain, which came in the night. So the exposure on today's pictures is not ideal, but the best I could manage given the conditions.

Ah, a comfortable home in Mosman Bay, a boat to go out upon the harbor in and a Miata or MINI to tour the country side in.... THAT would be too sweet, now wouldn't it?

Enjoy the photos at this link: Mosman


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