Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day Eleven: Firenze And San Giamiano

I went to Florence at long last today with my two friends from Slovakia, Erik and Slavia. We had a great day, but I must say that, after the tranquility of Tuscany, the city life was a little jarring. Great architecture and sculpture, but too many people for my taste and too much aroma of exhaust fumes, too. I guess I have been spoiled by my week in Tuscany. It is one I will always treasure and I admit to being a little sad to leave here tomorrow morning at O-Dark-Hundred!

When I think of this trip, I think of some of my favorite John Denver lyrics: "I'm going to see some friends of mine, some that I don't know." I have made many friends in my travels so far and tomorrow I meet another internet friend, Malcolm, who lives near Cannes and was kind enough to invite me to come and stay the night with him and his family.

And so the adventure continues. Looking forward. Looking back. Is there anything more to life than that?

Ciao, Tuscany. I'll see you again someday. And the sooner the better.

For today's pictures, please follow this link:  Day Eleven

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