Monday, September 20, 2010

Day Nine: A Trip To The Beach

It's funny how we have wrong ideas about other parts of the world. I always thought the Mediterranean was sort of like Long Island Sound. There was Europe on one side and Africa a few miles away on the other side. I thought you could probably see one from the other. Wrong.....

The only way to cure these delusions is to go there and see for yourself. And that's what I did today. The beach near Grosseto goes for miles and miles. The water is warm enough so you can walk right in and it is noticeably saltier than what I am used to.

There was quite a surf, following a thunderstorm overnight, so I didn't do much swimming. But I did get fully wet and floundered around a little while the breakers tried their best to separate me from my swim suit. Such fun!

There was the obligatory sightseeing along the way home and a delicious dinner of sweet sausage and sauteed onions, together with a fresh picked tomato seasoned with local oregano. Delightful!

For all the photos from today,go to this link: Day Nine

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