Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day Seven: Under The Tuscan Sun

One of my internet friends drove up from Grosseto -which is halfway between here and Rome - today to take me on a tour of Tuscany. I am so fortunate to have so many friends who are willing to give of their time to help make this trip a reality.

We drove all day with me acting as navigator, reading an Italian map and giving directions in Italian: Sinestre, Francesco! Sinestre!  What a hoot. We got lost a few times and had great fun. And I saw some of the most beautiful scenery I have ever witnessed anywhere in my life. Tuscany is all rolling hills and valleys. The towns and villages tend to be on the top of the hills with the valleys reserved for agriculture. Vineyards, of course, are everywhere and stretch for as far as the eye can see.

This is luscious, gorgeous, verdant country around here. There is beauty everywhere you look. I can see why people come here on holiday. You would have to live a long time to find anyplace nicer than this.

So, enough yakking.  To see for yourself, click this link: Day Seven


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