Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day Ten Was A 10. Or Maybe An 11 !!

This was one of those days you wait your whole life for. A day that quickens the pulse, sharpens the senses and restores the soul.

My friend Francesco had a last minute change of plans that prevented us meeting up again, but was kind enough to suggest a proposed route through the Tuscan countryside. Moteroni d'Arbia, Buonconvento, Montalcino, San Quirico d'Orcia, Montepulciano, Castiglione d'Orcia, Radicofani, Pienza, Arcidosso. All are in or near the valley of the Orcia River and I found them all. Every one!  It took me 9 hours, during which I traveled all of 150 miles. The miles per hour average may be a little low but the smiles per mile quotient was off the charts!

This part of Italy is beautiful in a way that defies words. And so I am going to let the photos do the talking.  The weather was faultless - the sky a vault of deepest blue over the landscape without a cloud to be seen from horizon to horizon. The sun at this time of year slants a little lower in the sky, adding an extra measure of contrast and shadow to the scenery, which stands out in bold relief against its warming rays.

But this part of the world has something else very special: roads that virtually dare you to drive them well. Hell, the double dog dare you! And I was happy to take up the challenge. They slither across the land, swooping and plunging from the hilltops into the valleys and back again. Your hands are constantly moving over the wheel, your feet dancing across the pedals, and straights, when there are any, are measured in meters, not miles.

Francesco told me the roads the would be the highlight of the day and he was so right. Never, ever in my life have I encountered so many wonderfully twisty roads that seem to go on forever. Oh, how I wish I had packed my Miata in my suitcase!

But my el cheapo Toyotoa Aygo was actually quite equal to the task. The suspension is quite competent. It doesn't roll over onto the door handles in curves like a '49 Buick would have. The steering was accurate and the brakes powerful. There were times when I finished a downhill run and paused by the side of the road to take a photo when I was enveloped in the aroma of wild herbs and hot brakes. To a car guy, nothing smells sweeter!

As I was going over the photos this morning, the excitement of yesterday filled me anew. It was, in sum, just a great day. You can share the Tuscan experience by viewing the photos at this link: Day Ten

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